Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Been awhile

                 It has been like almost 3 months since I have written here! I can't believe it! I guess I've been a little lazy and busy. I guess I haven't wanted to face the reality. My summer vacation sucked ass. Lost a really good friend of mine, but I know I am not in the wrong. I can't feel sorry for someone. I am their for my friends for when they want to talk, but I can't feel sorry for you when you did this to yourself. Enough said! Then when I came home she was disrespectful and annoying. So after almost 2 months of that, I went off the handle! I blew up! Probably could of handled it better, but all well! Life goes on! My family, husband and children, are my number one priority, nobody else. So don't ever think I am going to put you first! Then my husband had R and R a month after I got back from Michigan. We had the best 18 days of our lives. We even tried to get pregnant. I got to have 2 dates with my husband without Makenna. I got trashed one night and uber trashed the other night. We went out 2 Fridays in a row! Crazy! I missed my daughter so much though! I hate being away from her. But of course, all good things do come to an end, and Brandon is back in Afghanistan. He has been gone for 2 weeks now. Feels like longer, but its not.  His company lost his promotion packet and they have screwed up his pay. Got the pay fixed, or so I thought I did, but now they are paying me too much, and then we have IG investigating the company over the promotion thing. Ridiculous! So anyways, a lot has really changed.
          I went to the Dr's and found out I have a neurological disorder. I forget the name of it, but it pretty much means that the nerves in my spine do not listen to my brain, when my brain says everything is ok, so my spine is always freaking out! Which causes me to have muscle spasms, which has led to muscle deterioration and equilibrium issues.Medication for the rest of my life. Could of been fixed when I was a kid, but I never got tested. So Makenna will have to be tested when she is 4 years old to see if she has what I have.
           Speaking of Makenna. Her birthday is coming up. We had her party a month early when her Daddy was home to celebrate. Anyways, she has to go get her eyes tested next month. She has a contagious throat infection right now and is house bound until she gets better. Was suppose to make up my midterm exam tomorrow, but I am going to have to cancel until next week. This sucks! Can't wait for this class to be over with!
                I am really tired of school. It is exhausting and annoying me. I can't wait to be done in January, and then I am taking a BIG break from it! Then I am not going back until the Winter of 2012 when I am in Florida. Can't wait!