Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Today is the 11th anniversary of 9/11. Now to many, this is the day where thousands of men, woman, and children lost their lives to terrorists, for no reason. Where passenger planes were forcibly crashed into a field, and into the World Trade Centers, in hopes that that would ''shut-down'' America. Sadly enough, this is also the day where Middle-Eastern people, American citizens or not, were no longer trusted or valued. 9/11 is something that wiill forever sit in my heart everyday, not for the reasons listed above, but because of 9/11, I've lost a dozen wonderful people in my life. I did not actually know anyone who was on the air crafts that day, and I felt remorse for their families, and only could imagine what they were going through the minutes before their lives ended, however it didn't truly hit me until much later. The war we have fought since then, by our brave soldiers, has taken away people that were great friends to me, some to be considered family. On top of the too many lost, I have many that have physical and emotional scars that haunt them everyday, and no matter what I do or say, I cannot make their wounds go away. My remorse for the people lost, and their families left behind, is what drove me to join the military myself. Though, I am not a war veteran myself, I am married to one, that has been to war twice, and has seen things, I couldn't ever even imagine. I've also been in the position where I've feared that I would have to explain to 2 children, why their father isn't coming home. Fortunate enough for me, every problem downrange has never taken my husband out of the fight, but we've had enough close calls, that even thinking back on them, makes me so sick but ever so grateful. 9/11 effects everyone, in one way or another. Some lost people on that day, some lost hope, and since that day, many more lives have been lost, but also many great things have happened. America has proven, once again, that we are not a country that you want to mess with, because no one, no group, or no other country, could ever do anything to us, that we couldn't handle. Remember 9/11, for what it means to you, but remember it every day.

1 comment:

  1. You were nominated!
