Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Oh wow, 7 months done and gone!

          So many things have changed, since I last blogged. My last post in December, was all about recovering from the birth of my twins. Well, it's the end of July now, and it's safe to say, they are growing and changing way to fast! In just 3 short days, they will be 8 months old! My son, Reese, who was 5.85 pounds at birth, and only 5.5 pounds when we left the hospital, is now a stocky 20.1 pounds! He was born with a liver condition called tyrosinemia. Not many people had heard of it, but it pretty much means that his liver cannot process the amino acid, tyrosin. Tyrosin is found in most proteins, particularly animal proteins. It made him very sick, and after trying several different formulas and breast milk, he was finally put on Similac Alumentum, a formula with synthetic proteins. He seemed to be doing really well on it, except he has extreme acid reflux. We finally worked out a good dose of Prevacid after other medications not working. For a while there, he was losing weight, then he would gain weight, then plateau for a few months, but lately, he's been gaining weight at a steady pace. He is a very healthy baby boy and active as ever. He has pretty much got the crawling thing down, and his twin sister, Riann (pronounced Ryan) is right there behind him, trying to figure the crawling thing out. She is also very healthy. She is very tall and skinny, but still a healthy weight for her age. She is my snuggler. She loves to be coddled and loved on.
          Makenna, my almost 3 year old is doing well also. She is so fun, hyper, friendly, and just so easy to love on too. She always makes everyone giggle. She has a significant speech delay and has been getting help through the "Early-On Program'' through the state. For those who do not know, the Early-On Program is a state-funded early education program for children with physical, social, or development needs. They provide whatever needs your child may have, by coming to your home, and working with your children. Makenna see's a speech and language pathologist, and she is wonderful! Makenna just loves her. The Early-On Program is for children from birth to three years of age. Makenna's time with them is winding down, and she will be starting and special education pre-school in September, through the local school district. She'll be going to school for half a day, five days a week! I am so happy for her, but I am not sure if I am ready for that.

Life just seems to keep going on, and I really would like it to slow down. Anyone else have this problem?

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