Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


      So, my last post, I was very vague about my summer vacation. I was trying to still be friends with people that truly did me wrong this past summer, and now that it just didn't work out, I am going to tell you exactly what happened.
     A use to be great friend of mine, got pregnant by a deuce bag. Honestly, she seen it coming. He has 2 kids with 2 other woman, and does a horrible job of taking care of them. So, as I see, she put herself in that shitty situation. I know when it comes to someone you love, you hope that you can change them, and I am sure that is what she thought, but still. But keeping my mouth shut, and letting her vent to me and I stayed a supportive friend. She also says her birth control failed and that's how she got pregnant, but that isn't true either. She wanted to get pregnant, and well, she was successful. So she delivered the baby in March after having a stressful pregnancy from the situation she put herself in. Her mom takes care of the baby most of the time. She works, but even when she isn't working, her mom is the primary care giver. She is ok with leaving her child for days at a time, and she just keeps living her life. She goes out every couple of weeks. But she says she can't handle her child and uses post pardum depression as an excuse. Now, I am sure she has post pardum, but she is ok with just handing her kid off. That's not how I am, so I really honestly don't understand. But my step son's mother is the same way. Her mother spend the whole summer telling me how to be in a relationship, and pointing out the tiny "flaws" in my husband and I's relationship, which like I said, are tiny. My husband and I have an amazing relationship, that I do love to brag about it, and I hope that everyone else can find happiness like I have. I think that her mom is jealous that I have something great, and she thinks her spoiled child deserves what I have, more than I do. That's how she acted anyway. But I continued to keep my mouth shut.
      Well after staying with my mother, failed, I stayed with that friend and her parents at their house. They were great at first, but then they acted like I owed the world, and the bad decisions they made financially fell on me. I continued to ignore it, and after 2.5 months of hell, I came home. I regret going back to Michigan. My family and that "great friend" I use to have, were awful! I hate thinking about it now. It gives me anxiety and makes me very angry, that I let them people around my child.
      After them both (her and her mom) ignored all my text messages and facebook messages, then seeing her mom write rude comments, twice, on my facebook, I went the fuck off! Yeah, could of handled it a little better, but after the hell they put me through, after I chose to visit them, they deserved every piece of hell I gave them in return! I probably could of said more, and even meaner things, but I did hold back a bit. I, very rudely, said to her mom, that the rude comments, is bullshit, and went into detail about her ignoring me. So her daughter then chimed in so I, again rudely, explained that she has no idea what it means to be responsible for a child, and battered around the fact, that she don't take care of hers. I hope for the child's sake, that she steps up, and starts being a parent, and not having the grandparents be parents.
     Do I regret what I said? Do I miss her as a friend? Do I miss her mom? NO! I live with no regret. I was honest, and that is something they can't handle. I have always had to take care of my own, so someone who has never had responsibility for anything or anyone, including herself, will never understand me. I use to confide in her mom a lot, but I have my girl Christina to confide in, so I don't need her. I did lose a good friend. Well, she was in school. But this "good friend" is very immature, and so its like being friends with a child. I am 21 years old. I have been married over a year now, I was in the Army, now I'm not, I have always taken care of myself, and I have always had to be "beyond my years" or so to speak. So it is hard to be friends with someone who is not on the same level as me. I know, anyone can relate to that.
     On August __, 2011, my husband came home from Afghanistan for R and R. We had an amazing 18 days together! We stayed in Germany, where our home is, and just toured the area, and relaxed. It felt so weird to have him home. I didn't know what to do. I woke up in the middle of the night a lot, almost kicking him, because I wasn't use to someone in bed with me anymore. It was hard to maintain the schedule I had, because I wanted to relax with him. He was really helpful with Makenna, which, generally, he always has been. He's an amazing father to Makenna and Chance, so I knew that would never change. He still neglected to help me around the house. But, I told him, that when he is home for good, I am going to need him to pick up the slack in that department. He realized his mistakes with that, without me having to point it out, so I know when he gets home, he will be more helpful around the house. My major complaint is the trash and recycling. That's really the only thing I need him to do, the rest I do. Which, I do not have a problem with that. But he can handle cleaning up after himself, and taking out the trash and recycling. We went to a few cities around the area, and had a good time. I finally got use to him being home, about 3 days before he left again, so when he left, it was hard. It still is, and its almost 2 months later. I miss him so much! I honestly didn't know or realize that I would miss him this much! He is my rock, and yes, I am staying afloat without him, but sometimes, I find myself gasping for air. It's not that I can't handle day to day life, and raising our child alone, its the fact that apart of me is missing now, and its in danger always, and I just want to protect it. I just want to hold him, and protect him! I am his wife, and yes, he is my protector, but deep down, I am his protector too.
      Makenna is my big 1 year old now. She is just over 34 inches tall, and weighs 22 pounds. She is very tall and skinny! She still isn't walking on her own yet, but we are getting there. She is too interested with reading and learning, she could care less about walking. She can get to point A and B, while crawling. I really don't blame her. She has mastered her colors, and many animals. She is at a 2-3 year old learning level! Her brain is HUGE! She is ridiculously smart, and probably will be smarter than me and her Daddy combined by time she's 5! No joke!
       There is tons more for me to update you with, but for now, I am going to call it a night. Hopefully tomorrow, I will finish my October update for you.  Follow me on facebook, if your a fan!

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