Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, October 27, 2011

More October

     Let me first begin by saying, October is my favorite month ever! It always has been, and it just was a mega bonus that my beautiful daughter was also born in October!
     So, my daughter turned 1 earlier this month. She is my big one year old now, so I am adjusting to saying that I have a one year old. Sometimes, I find myself calling her 12 months, instead of 1, because I'm in denial that she is growing up! I guess that's part of reality, kids grow up, though, I don't like it, that's just life. She had a birthday party at the beginning of September when her Daddy was home on R and R, and on her birthday, I bought and ice cream cake, and had my friend Christina, and her 3 kids over for some cake. I bought the cake thinking that it was cake with ice cream on it, no, not at all, it was solid ice cream. It was really good, but daughter was getting frustrated because she wanted to eat it, but it was so cold for her to hold. So, I ended up feeding her most of it. It was really good though. We got her a frame that holds pictures of her from the last 12 months of her life, and I filled it, and gave it too her on her birthday. I am making a scrapbook for her too, but I still have yet to find the time to finish it. I want to make one every year for all the kids, so that they can have a "summary" or whatever of the past year and their accomplishments, and the fun they had. I am almost done, and I really wanted it to be done by her birthday, but reality of life, and being crazy busy, got in my way. I will be better next year and I will get her current one done ASAP! Maybe this Sunday, since I have nothing going on that day.

Mountains that surround the hotel!

      The weekend following her birthday we went to this amazing place called Edelweiss. Edelweiss is a US military 5 star resort. You must be an active duty soldier, dependent of an active duty member, or a retired service member, to be able to stay there. It is gorgeous! It is pretty cheap too, since its for the military, and they know that the military don't pay shit. So, my friend Christina, her twins, her 6 year old, and I and my daughter, went to this resort for the weekend. It is located in the Alps, by the Switzerland, and Austria border! It was gorgeous! It even snowed while we were there! I was excited to see the first snow fall of the year in Germany! We had a blast. We even went to Neuenswanstein Castle, which is the castle that Walt Disney mimicked his castle in Disney World after. It is beautiful! We took a horse drawn carriage up and down the very long, steep hill! It was beautiful! Anyways, we had a memorable time, and I can't wait to go again! Biggest part about the trip that made me appreciate my husband, even though he wasn't there, was the packing/unpacking the car, and carrying all the luggage to and from the hotel room! LOL!
      Since then, I have started taking medication for the neurological disorder I have. It is starting to work, but I hope that when I am taking the full amount, I will be 100% better! I have also finished my government and info technology class, continued my personal finance class, and started my writing class, and my biology class. Killing myself so I can graduate in May. YEAH!! Can't wait to be done! Then I will just have my bachelors to go, and then I will be done done! YEAH! But I am not starting my bachelors until I get to Florida, at the end of next year! I am looking for a job though. I am not willing to work a job that I am way over qualified for. Sounds snobby, but its just not worth it if I have to be away from my daughter for a shitty job. Since I don't have to work, I can be a little bit picky. Yes, a job is a job, but if someone needs a job, I would rather leave it open to them.
     I think that's all I got for the night. Now onto some homework!

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