Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tubal Ligation

My husband and I have come to a decision, together, that while I am getting my c-section to get my tubes tied at the same time. It was but was not an easy decision to reach. I always wanted a large family, and I think after this pregnancy, and how my body is acting, that it can't take much more of a beating that goes with child rearing. After the twins are born, then we will have 4 beautiful children, and that is more than what most people are blessed with. I am totally comfortable with the decision, as is my husband, so I just hope more people would be on board with it. Some totally understand why we are, but others think that I am too young to make such a life altering decision. I will be getting my cervix scraped after the twins are born, so carrying a child after that is going to be ultra difficult and very risky anyways, and I honestly cannot handle having another miscarriage. I am tired of fussing with birth control, and wondering all the time, so I think that getting my tubes tied is best. The husband does not want to get a vasectomy, because he doesn't want something be cut down there, and since I'll be cut for the delivery of the twins, I am just going to have them do that while their down there anyways. It is way easier than going back and getting it done at a later date. I would  pressure my husband to get a vasectomy more because it is such a quick out-patient  procedure, but since I'll already be on the surgical table with the c-section, might as well kill 2 birds with one stone. Anyways. Some women think I'm crazy, and couldn't imagine taking away their ability to rear children, but I feel that I have so many wonderful kiddos, and if I ever wanted to have more, we could adopt a child that definitely needs a good and loving home.

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