Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Well, today I am off to Nurnberg to go to see a special OBGYN! I am a bit nervous. I think it is the same one I had to see when I was pregnant with Makenna (had an enlarged placenta), but I am not sure. I guess I'll find out later. I am really nervous because they send you to see a specialist to check for fetal malformation. My regular OBGYN says as far as he can see on a regular 2-D/3-D ultrasound, the babies are normal, and growing right on schedule, but I guess it's just a precaution. Apparently it's standard testing carrying multiples, he just doesn't have the equipment at his office to do it, so off to Nurnberg we go. We were suppose to go yesterday, but they had to reschedule for today. I have to take Makenna, which I wish I didn't, but we have no choice. I do not have a sitter, and there is no daycare available! I just hope she can behave so we can get there, get things done, and go home without any issues. I'm sure she will be fine, she usually is.

Something exciting about this appointment is, that we may be able to find out the genders of the babies. It is kind of early, but possible. We found out at 17 weeks with Makenna, so hopefully we are far enough along, and the twins are in good enough positions so he can tell me! I want to go shopping, I want to give them names, and do things that you just can't do when you don't know the genders. Right now I just look at stuff for both, and call them Itsey and Bitsey. It's 10:35 and I am anxious. We have to leave here in about an hour and 10 minutes, so time needs to fly! I want to get there already! LOL!

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