Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


So I am not even sure why, and I would hate to blame it on the pregnancy, but I am so moody and grumpy for no reason!! I was in such a good mood yesterday and had plenty of energy and I got so much accomplished, but I woke up this morning, the total opposite!

IT all started last night. I was SOOOO tired that I attempted to lay down and could not fall asleep to save my life. Then I got to the stage where I was almost was completely asleep but kept waking every 2 seconds! Then I finally got to sleep and was awake every 30 minutes throughout the entire night! It was like someone turned my alarm clock on, in my head! It was so, not a good night! I was so tired that I thought I would sleep well, and it didn't happen!!

Then when I had to get up in the morning, Makenna, who has been sleeping in til at least 8, decided that 7 was a much better time to get up. So we got up. Then I was a zombie all morning until nap time, then when it was nap time, I layed down and what felt like 2 seconds, it was time to get up! Makenna took a short nap today too! She usually sleeps 2-2.5 hours and she slept just over an hour! It was not the day to get up early and take a short nap, but it of course happened!

Then all afternoon was a blur and a quick dinner of frozen pizza, because I could hardly muster up enough energy to stand! (yeah, it's that bad today!) So now it's quarter til 9, Makenna's been in bed for 45 minutes, and in a minute I will be joining her (in my own bed).

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