Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, June 11, 2012

Potty Training

^^^The potty we have for Makenna!^^^
So, we have been trying to potty train our now 20 month old baby girl, and she really hasn't shown much interest. We get her to sit on her potty, but it is only for a couple of minutes and then she's done. She hadn't actually gone potty in it until this morning. Our morning was normal, Brandon went back to work, so Makenna woke up, I pulled her hair out of her face, and got her a drink of milk. Then we came into the living room and I made her sit on her potty, and about a minute later, she went pee in her potty! I am so proud! Then I decided she could run around in her panties. Now I know that peeing in it once doesn't make her potty trained, but it's a start. She did this at about 5 minutes to 9am, so at 930 and 1000 I made her sit on her potty again, and nothing. Then she went into her room around 1015-1020ish and I followed behind her, only a minute or less behind her, and she had an accident. I ran and grabbed the potty, but we were too late. So I put a pull-up on her, and I'll try again in an hour, and keep trying every couple of minutes after that hour until it happens again. I have to stay consistent with her about it. I am nervous about days we are on the go, or when she goes to daycare, but the only thing I can do for her is to do my best to stay consistent and teach her what she needs to do. I plan on giving her small rewards when she goes potty. Some people are against bribing, but heck, I'm not! LOL! Whatever works!

So our potty training journey has begun, and I am so happy to see Makenna hit yet another milestone in her life. She is growing up way to fast, but there is nothing I can do about it, but enjoy every moment of her journey with her because sometime in the future, she isn't going to want to have me around all the time.

I am learning myself, how to teach her to use the big girl potty, so I do not have any tips, but just to wait until they are ready and stay consistent. I will give advice and share my story once our potty training journey is no longer in the "starter" faze, but for now, I am learning on my own, and I hope I can do for her, exactly what she needs.

1 comment:

  1. I tried to get Keon on a potty seat but he was not having it. He likes to be on the big potty. Which is awesome. He has good days with no accidents, then there are the days where he has a few. -_- I am with you on this learning thing! I really am just guessing and hoping it works. lol
