Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Friday, April 13, 2012

Baby Hetherton #3 and more

Brandon and I decided in the middle of March, when I was on my period, to try for another baby. We were waiting for the "perfect" time to have another, but heck, if we ever waited for the perfect time, then we wouldn't have the two wonderful children we have! LOL! The week leading up to my period, I took 2 at home tests, and one at the Dr's (urine) and they were all negative. Then Easter Sunday evening, after our egg hunt and BBQ, I got the sudden urge to take the last at home test I had in the house! It was POSITIVE!!! Brandon was in his room, playing video games, and I came in smiling and told him while showing him the test! He was like "I figured! The way we've been doing it, there would be something wrong with us both, if we weren't!" So needless to say, I got a much better reaction this time around, and it was a little funny! (I didn't get any reaction out of him for a week after telling him with our 1st pregnancy.) We are both excited!! We will be moving again with this pregnancy. I'll be 30 something weeks along when we fly from Germany to Fort Drum, New York. Great! I hate flying when I am prego!! We should be leaving Germany the beginning of October, and Makenna may be able to spend her 2nd Birthday in the states! (I still think its funny that she is an American, but has never actually lived in America!)

Still don't know when we are getting Chance. Papers are filed, we are just waiting for the judges signature. Then we will have to do EFMP stuff, which is just crap so that he can come to Germany. Then get him command sponsored, and flown over here. It is just a mess! I wish they would let us leave before October, but it is giving us a chance to save more money, seeing how money is going to be tighter, much tighter when we get to the states. We won't be getting paid cost of living allowance, and we will be paying about $300 out of pocket for rent, which we don't have to here. We'll make it work, and we are saving ever last penny now, so we won't have to struggle too much.

So, it is said that buying something for your baby in your belly until you are about 3 months along. Well, I say that's dumb! It's like giving your baby a chance of death, and after having a miscarriage in October of 2011, I have decided I am going to enjoy every second I have with this baby, even if, for whatever reasons God may have, it isn't very long. I have faith, and I am looking forward to this baby to come on or around December 19, 2012!!!

I know I am jumping around a lot, so good luck keeping up! LOL!!

I had a substitute teacher interview, and got the job. But it is on-call, and not consistent. Then I got a job working 20 hours a week at a daycare 40 minutes, but I have to turn that one down, because I won't make enough to cover the cost of gas and daycare. I do have a job interview on Monday with the credit union on post. It's working part-time, but I'll get like 30-35 hours a week and it is only a mile and a half from my house. So I will make plenty of money to pay for daycare and gas, plus be able to save some!! YEAH!! I hope I get it!

That's all I got for now. I'm sure there is more, just can't get my mind straight. Super tired!!! Good night world!

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