Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Friday, April 20, 2012

When do you "do" you?

So, I'm getting pretty excited about moving to Florida. So excited, that I am having troubles focusing on school and my graduation is in 2 weeks!!! I think that I am going to spend this evening doing everything this week for school, and try to get a jump start on next weeks. Though my graduation ceremony is on the 5th of May, classes don't actually end until May 13th!!! I have "senioritis!" LOL. I just have to remember it's the last few weeks, then 2 weeks off, and classes start again! Graduating with an associates degree is pretty much saying "Hey, great job, you're half-way there! You'll get it eventually!" LOL It's a start! Plus, I did a 2 year program in 1 year. I am not going to lye, I didn't get the grades I would of had, had I been able to take normal college, where classes were face to face or I could get help, when I needed it. Plus, in the states, I am able to get more studying time in the college library, if needed. Excuses, aside, I'm graduating, and I have a college in Florida to look forward too, to give me a real college experience. Then maybe, I'll stop having the feeling I'm a 35 year old housewife, working at something I should of done decades ago!! Yes, I'm only 21, but most days, I'm 35, and I even have days where I am 85! Jokes aside, sometimes it's hard to feel like I'm in my low 20's, when I'm a wife, living overseas, married to the Army, have a 9 year old step-son, 18 month old Diva, and another on the way! Life get's to be overwhelming at times. I don't regret my life, because I love where I am in life, but sometimes I feel like I won't get the chance to make my mark on the world; that I am just someones wife, someones mom, someones housekeeper, and someones errand girl. I don't want to sound selfish, but I have spent my whole life "doing" everyone else, then got to "do" me for a little bit, and then went right back to everyone else. I love helping others, and being there for others, but occasionally, maybe once every couple of years, I want someone to "do" me, hand me the world, and be the errand person, the mom, the housekeeper, the cook, etc. But having one day of total peace and non-responsibility isn't worth not having the other 364 days of chaotic bliss! Ya'll know what I'm talking about! Nothing can replace the sleepless nights filled with a bubbly baby that just wanted to play, the huge smile you get woken up at 6am(when they just let you get to bed at 4), and the baby barf stains on your clothes because you needed that burp to come out to get that bubbly baby back! It's not for everyone, but it sure the heck is for me!

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