Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, July 16, 2012

2 Years Already

Our Wedding Day 07-15-10
Yesterday, my husband and I celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary, and by celebrate I mean, he went to work at 330am, was home at 230pm, and in bed, asleep at 530pm from an exhaustibly long day! So today, his day off, we got Makenna in daycare and had the day to each other. It was really nice. First we went and got coffee and a danish from the German bakery downtown, then we headed off to get maternity pictures done. That didn't take very long, since Brandon and I are pretty easy participants. Then we headed downtown to do a little shopping. I got a couple more maternity tops and a new pare of maternity shorts, Brandon got a new shirt, and Makenna got 2 new shirts and a pare of leggings. Due to her extreme height, tiny waist, and bubble butt, leggings fit way better than jean pants or capris, so until she puts on some more weight and stops growing so tall, so quickly, then she will be wearing more leggings vs. jeans. Afterwards, we went to our favorite Tex-Mex restaurant in Germany, pepe's. So yummy for being what German's think Tex-Mex is. LOL! Then we came home, and just relaxed and enjoyed one another's company. He played video games, we chatted, and I even got a cap nap in. Then we picked up Makenna and enjoyed our family time/Mommy cleaning time. LOL. Now Makenna and Brandon are asleep and I can't sleep, so blogging it is!

Us 2 years later!
Being married to Brandon has been this whole new experience and I love it. We've been through a deployment and separation from training, a pregnancy and child birth, the active Army lifestyle, a miscarriage,  and now we are going through another pregnancy with twins, and much much more. Brandon is so amazing, though he has his faults too. But I cherish everything he has to offer and we work on the things that cause conflict. We don't ignore each other or problems, and we conquer any obstacle head on, as a team. We've managed to be able to co-parent even when he has been gone for months at a time, which is hard for some couples to do even when they are together all the time. Brandon makes me laugh, cheers me up, and his honestly, whether it's wanted or not, keeps me grounded. He always believes in me, and knows that I can conquer the world if I set my mind through it. He supports me and my decisions, and like myself, together we put our children first. Brandon also gave me this amazing step-son, daughter, and now twins. He loves that I go to college, and loves that I stay home with Makenna, so I too, don't have to miss out on the many things he has missed out on. He's always proud of me, and most of the time, he is always willing to help me do anything (when I don't ask him to do it after working 16 hours. lol) He has given me stability and love, and that is something that I have always longed for, but never got, until I met him. I am still just head over heels in love with him!