Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, July 1, 2012

First Half of 2012

2012 has been quite the eventful year so far. Today is the first day of the last half of the year, and if it's anything like what the first half has been, this year is defiantly a wonderful year! Though we haven't done to much, it still has been quite enjoyable, and I am lucky to have such a wonderful family! Here's our year thus far:

  1. Makenna turned 14-20 months old! 
  2. Brandon got promoted
  3. Brandon came home from Afghanistan 
  4. Edelweiss Mini Vacation
  5. Bought our new Jeep Commander!
  6. First 2012 trip to the zoo
  7. Rest of the 527th MP Co. came home from Afghanistan
  8. Half-way to Makenna's 2nd Birthday!
  9. Makenna's 2nd Easter
  10. Daddy was on vacation
  11. Munich trip to the zoo, Olympic stadium, and aquarium
  12. Beach picnic
  13. Decided that Brandon should leave the military 
  14. Decided to move to Florida
  15. Submitted paperwork so I can move to Florida early
  16. Found out we are expecting TWINS in December!!
I know a ton more has happened, but drawing a blank! I am super blessed to have such an amazing family and wouldn't change anything for the world!!! 


  1. Yea I did not do nearly that much. LOL
    Keon turned two and I got a job.

  2. lol. I like having a full plate always, especially when I hate living in this country!

    1. LOL My plate is getting fuller. Keon, job, school. Along with normal every day things. :P
