Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

House Work

House work is something that I sometimes dread, but sometimes, it helps me get through the day. Cleaning, to me, sometimes, is an anxiety reliever. Sine feeling crappy from the pregnancy, but housework has become less. The house is still clean, but I find myself not picking up Makenna's toys 500 times a day, or not washing laundry every day. I have no energy!! I hate this! But, with some energy coming back, I am getting back to my normal anal self. LOL!!

The one thing I hate is laundry. I never use to until I moved into this house. We have a German washer and dryer, which takes 1 hour and 46 minutes to wash in cold, and 2 hours and 12 minutes to wash in warm or hot and the dryer takes nearly 2 hours! Needless to say, getting behind is a BITCH!! LOL!

Dishes aren't bad. We have a dishwasher, but I hate using it all the time. It does a horrible job sometimes. If it gets used a lot it starts doing a crappy job, so using once in a while is best. When Brandon was deployed, we hardly ever used it. We have a sink, well, half of one sink, and doing dishes in it is a challenge in itself, but we have adapted. I don't know what I'll do when I have a good dishwasher or two sinks.

Mopping and sweeping is a pain, mainly a pain in my back. We have hard wood floors throughout and tile in the bathrooms and kitchen. I usually take the vacuum on the wood floors but use a broom on the tile. I mop with a normal mop. I think it's important to have clean floors because my daughter is always on them, so that is something that gets done all the time. The bending is something that hurts my back, but if I don't do it, it won't get done. LOL

Dusting gets done weekly and window washing gets done bi-weekly. The windows get pretty dirty, well on the outside because of the horse farm around the corner, and whatever windows Makenna can reach, get finger printed daily.

There's the constant battle with toys, but that'll never change. I just try to pick them up at the end of the day. I use to like every 5 seconds, but that kills my already very sore back, and there really was no point, if she was just going to drag them back out as soon as I was done.

I like a clean house, not a perfect house. I have a husband and a daughter that make mess, and don't clean up after themselves all the time, and that's okay. I do my best. and some days I am so tired that doing anything is a battle, but I have to get over it, even if I don't want to. Having my husband on vacation means he helps me a lot more, and that is making the first trimester a bit easier. My kids deserve a clean house, organized house, and a orderly house, and that's what they'll have, even though it will never be perfect!


  1. I need to become organized like you! I moved into a smaller apartment and I have so much stuff! I am horribly unorganized. lol You should do a post on organization!

  2. I am looking forward to moving into a larger space, but we have made this work. The one room of the house that never seems to stay organized is our spare bedroom because my husband just throws crap in it, but luckily when we move we won't have an extra bedroom with all of our kids. Staying organized is the only way I function, and I have actually had to let things go that I didn't really want to, but holding on to them added clutter and clutter drives me nuts!

    1. I am a pack rat I keep everything! Then I go on a kick and throw bags of crap out! lol

  3. My husband is a pack rat, and I am the exact opposite, so it's conflicting sometimes. lol. I make him get rid of stuff, not important stuff, and in the end, he is glad that I made him. Right now we have been collecting artwork from both the kids because he will be moving into a barracks room when I leave here and wants to have their art on the walls, to make it feel more homey.
