Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Unexpected expectings

When I was only 3.5 weeks pregnant, I had a positive at home pregnancy test. This seemed very weird for me because I couldn't get a positive pregnancy test until I was nearly 8 weeks along, with Makenna, my 18 month old. I have also been very sick. Now granted, I was very sick with Makenna too, but this time, I think it's much worse in some ways, and better in others. With Makenna I was sick at the sight of food, or anything that looked gross, and the smells. I would instantly throw up the entire contents of my stomach. This time, I am extremely nauseous, but the only thing I have thrown up thus far, is pure acid. I would rather throw up food, over acid any day! What is worse with this pregnancy for sure, is that I am so tired. I was tired with Makenna, but this is a 100X worse!!! I go to sleep at 1030 at night and get a good 9 hours of sleep, but when I wake up, I feel like I haven't slept at all. I am a zombie!! I know it's horrible to consume caffeine while pregnant, but sometimes, like this morning, I needed a cup of coffee, or I'd fall asleep standing! Well anyways, we had our first baby appointment yesterday and ultrasound, and I finally got answers to why my pregnancy symptoms are so strong, it's because I am expecting TWINS!! Yes, TWINS!!! I am a week further along than I thought I was, so on Wednesday, I will be 8 weeks pregnant, only 32 weeks to go!!! LOL!! Well, less than that. I will be having another c-section. With one baby I could of tried a normal vaginal delivery, and had about an 80% chance of still having to have a c-section, now with twins, they aren't even going to let me try. The Dr said that they'll want to take the babies out at around 36 weeks, but if I am feeling ok, and their is nothing wrong with the twins, then I am going to keep them in there as long as I can. It may be a little more painful on my end, but with twins they may already be small, and taking them out too early, will almost guarantee they will be small, too small, and if they are too small, that leads to complications. I am hoping for two very healthy 6-7 pound babies. I can suck it up, and deal.
The twins!

I have quite a few fears walking into this pregnancy. Like any pregnancy, the first trimester is crucial. That is when most miscarriages occur. Now, we had a miscarriage back in October, but I was not even 3 weeks pregnant and the only reason I knew it was one, was because I had a huge blood clot, and got it checked out. I know TMI! Most people don't get that stuff checked out, therefore, never realizing a miscarriage has occurred. So that is a fear, and another fear is the development of the babies. Sometimes one twin will "use everything up" and leave nothing for the other twin. A friend of mine was carrying twins, and one passed about halfway through her pregnancy because of that. But the other twin, was perfectly healthy, thankfully. I hope to not have many complications, because risks are higher when carrying multiples. I am going to keep my stress levels down, and swallow my pride, and ask for help, so that my two babies will be safe and sound.
I also have a superficial fears, like gaining a lot of weight. I don't want to get too fat this pregnancy. I want to gain a healthy amount of weight, which is abut 35-45 pounds with twins, but that's it. I gained 27 pounds with Makenna and the healthy weight gain for a single child is 25-35 pounds. I was able to lose the weight and then some after Makenna was born, so I plan on doing the same after the twins are born. We are moving to Florida and the apartment complex has a 24 hour fitness center, so I'll be taking advantage of that. I just don't want to gain like 100 pounds, like I have seen people do during a pregnancy. I am watching my diet, and I am not being lazy, so I should be okay. I just hope I don't get called to be on bed rest, which I can't do anyways with a nearly 19 month old! LOL!

So after finding all of these out, leaving soon, and school on top of my family, I stepped back as the softball coach to the 10-12 year olds. I think that it is too much for me, and I need to prioritize things. I have 2 great assistant coaches who will take over and the girls will continue to play and grow as a team. I feel bad, but like I said, my assistant coaches are really good at what they do, so I am not too worried.

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