Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Makenna Sue

So it's been a while since I have written a post just about my little Diva!!! Let's see how she's been doing.

Makenna will be 19 months old in 2 days. She stands at a whopping 37 inches tall, and weighs a whole 26 pounds! (Yeah, I know she's a skinny giant!) She says many words, but of course on her time. Her favorite thing to say is "oh, yeah!" That's her response to many things. It's so cute. And she knows when to use it too, because every time she says it, it is pertaining to what we are talking about. We are still waiting for her to fully talk (without any baby jabbering) but their's no hurry for that. I'm enjoying my baby still being a baby. She walking, and has been for a long while now, and she likes to do summer salts (sp) and spin in circles to make herself dizzy. She loves being dizzy.

Her beautiful big blue eyes!
Her physical appearance is beautiful, if I do say so myself! She's real tall, and skinny, but she's got a butt for days! LOL! (She got it from her Daddy) She only wears a size 4.5 shoe, which someone her height should be closer to a 7. She has giant blue eyes and a dirty strawberry blonde hair color(my natural hair color). It is getting really long too, and thick as ever! It fits in a pony tail all the way with about a 4-5 inch tail. No bangs, because I hate bangs(unless their side bangs). Her hair falls to about 3-4 inches down her back, but the bottom flips out, giving her hair some sort of wave. She loves having her toe nails painted, and sometimes her finger nails. She likes it when I "fake straighten" her hair, so she can do what Mommy is doing. I have a little travel straightener, I let her play with when I am doing my hair, so she'll try to do hers. It's adorable! She has 8 teeth, 4 on bottom and 4 on top. She's cutting the rest of hers all at once now, and it's been so painful for her! I feel so bad for her!

She loves her jewelry and girly things like that, but she also loves her blocks and stuffed monkeys the most. She really isn't into her baby dolls. I try to get her into them, but unless they sing, she don't care about them. And when they do sing, she plays with them for a whopping 2 minutes, and is done. She loves her kitchen, second best, compared to her monkeys. She makes fake food, and comes out into the living room to feed everyone it. She even tried to spoon feed her cat a bottle of fake ketchup. He wasn't thrilled by it at all, but I wish my camera would of been handy to capture that moment! I'm sure she'll try again soon. She is getting into a "I want to do it myself" stage. I mean, she has always been very independent, it's just getting worse. She has to Velcro her shoes or try to tie her sneakers. She wants to do her own hair, and mine and Daddy's hair, and she wants to dress herself. I'm starting to let her choose what she wants to wear, sometimes.

Her beautiful locks! LOL!
She is off the sippy cup. Well, we use them when we are out and about and we aren't really stopping anywhere, but other than that, she doesn't get them. She does really well with a big girl cup, and we couldn't be prouder. She first had a sippy cup when she was 4 months old, and loved it! She's had one ever since. She was off the bottle at 11 months old, and that was really easy to take away. She was off formula at like 9 months because she handled the milk better than the formula. They stopped making her formula, so when I had to switch her, she couldn't handle it well, so I put her on milk, and she did great! She's been feeding herself for months now. She wouldn't let me feed her once she was off of baby food, so since she was like 10 months old, she's been feeding herself. (there's that independence again) She moved into a toddler bed in December, so she was 14 months old, and then when she was 16 months old, we bought her a twin size bed. She loves her bed. I am fortunate that I tell her it's nap time or bed time, and she'll crawl into bed herself, cuddle up, and go to sleep. She does it even when she doesn't want to. When she doesn't want to she'll fake cry her way to her bed, but still grab her glow worm, and cover up, and go to sleep. I have had a few times where she has not wanted to nap at all, but I eventually get her to sleep.

She doesn't hardly sleep with us. When Brandon was deployed she did, probably once a week. I didn't want her to get use to it. She loved her crib, and loves her bed and always has, so sleeping with us hasn't really been a problem. She, in general, just loves her bedroom! (more independence) When she's sick or can't sleep, she'll come sleep with us, but sleeping with her is like sleeping with a 5,000 pound elephant. She magically has Brandon and I pinned to the edges, and she's taking up an entire king size bed! I don't know how it is possible, but it happens every time. Needless to say, we don't like her sleeping with us! LOL!
Her see-saw

She started and ended dance class back in February, due to the lack of people that will get off their fat lazy asses, and get their kids involved with activities. I was pretty bummed about it, but we still do our own dance class in the living room. Makenna likes to get all dolled up in her leotards, tutu's and shiny shoes. She just stares at herself in the mirror, or insists I take a picture of her, and I have to let her see the picture too, just so she can flirt with herself. (I'd be like that too, if I was that beautiful! LOL!)

She's all over the place. She still loves her books and she always wants to be there to help you. She helps me with laundry all the time. I hand her clothes and she'll either put them in the washer or the dryer. It's adorable. I just hate it when she pushes the button to turn it off, half way through the hour and 45 minute cycle. (It's German, that's why it takes so long) It's a little frustrating, but I of course deal.

The weather is getting really nice out, and Makenna is enjoying her quad, sandbox, see-saw, and tricycle. Well, she loves her quad and see-saw, the bike and sandbox aren't really her thing yet. The sand in the sandbox is wet, so I think that is why she doesn't like it.

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