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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Munich Mother's Day

Saturday, my husband and I decided that we wanted to go to Munich while he is on leave, and what better day than Sunday! Yes, we decided to go to Munich, which is about a 2 hour drive away, with no real plan. We booked a hotel at the Holiday Inn Express, and were just going to go site seeing. To save you some long details, we drove their Sunday, checked into the hotel and my wonderful man found brochures in the lobby. We went site seeing down town Munich, Sunday. It was so beautiful. Then Monday we followed brochures, and went to the Olympic Stadium. The Olympics were held there in 1972. After realizing that we did not need to walk across the entire Olympic Stadium (after we already did) we got to the small aquarium. It was small, like I said, small, but fun. After that, we decided to go to the Munich Zoo, and well, it's bigger than I thought. Needless to say, I was so sick from all that work, my hips felt like they were going to break open, my calf muscles were so tight, that nothing, and I mean nothing, would loosen them up! It was so painful. We got to eat at the Hard Rock Cafe Munich Sunday night, and Salcelito's (sp) on Monday. The bed was so painfully uncomfortable, I couldn't wait to go home. I enjoyed the vacation so much, I just wish I hadn't been in so much pain!!!

I got to see people dress up as invisible men, shrubs, and statues for money. It was really cool, but so freaky all at the same time! This post sounds depressing, because of all the pain I had, but it was honestly one of the best vacations I have been one!

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