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Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Decision to Travel

Kenna baby's day of swimming
          So, it was almost 90 degrees in Michigan today, so after having a not so good day, then having it turned around when Brandon called me, I took Kenna baby swimming! We had so much fun and it wore her out! She napped for over 2 hours! Gave me time to enjoy a nice long relaxing shower! Being a Mommy, I've realized that a shower is now a luxury, especially when it is undisturbed! 

        So, moving on. On day 8 of Brandon's deployment I decided that I wanted to go on vacation back to where I came from in Michigan so my friends and family could finally meet Makenna Sue. I was apprehensive about going though. Nobody was really understanding how hard it was going to be to travel from start to finish 22 hours with a baby by myself. Another issue is, I would be staying at my mother's house. We don't get a long. Everything is her way, no highway option, kind of deal. It's bad. We have never gotten along and I don't agree with how she does anything. She is very rude and cynical too, and very heart-less. I am not exaggerating either. Yeah, she really is that lovely. LOL! But anyways, I decided to go back to Michigan, on day 17 of the deployment. I told Brandon about it as soon as he called and he was very apprehensive also because he doesn't like the way my mother treats me either. But I assured him, that it will be okay. My mother loves the grand kids, just hates me, and loves my sisters. It's not fair, but its life, so I'm over it, because she will never change. 
           So anyways, I was going back to Michigan and really excited so I spent the day 8-16 preparing for the long trip to spend a good portion of the summer in Michigan. I scrubbed the house, and arranged for a friend of mine to stay in the house too. She is a Soldier, I use to work with her when I was in the Army, and she lives in the barracks, so I am pretty sure to have space to herself for once. So she was staying in my house, so I know I had nothing to worry about thankfully! 
          So the days before Makenna and I's vacation couldn't come fast enough. Brandon was finally actually getting where he will be for the deployment. I really hate mobilization. He goes to 2 or 3 different places and it took over 2 weeks for him to finally get to where he is currently at in Afghanistan. He called me the Wednesday before I left, I flew out on a Friday, and he too was moving on Friday, but to his final destination! A sigh of relief was given because as much as I don't want him where he is at, he can finally settle in and not being moving and carrying all his bags and gear around from place to place. It also meant that I could start really sending him things and he could get them. I mailed 2 care packages before he actually got to his final destination so that when he did, he would be the first to receive a package. Other wives probably might of done the same thing, but I didn't care, my hubster deserves something new ASAP!          
          Minor back story. Brandon's 1st deployment, he couldn't wait to go. His wife at the time, was a liar and a cheater, so he wanted away from her. It's pretty sad when you have to go to war to escape a horrible relationship. Needless to say, the cheating and lying continued and he ended up divorcing her as soon as he got home after almost 16 months in Afghanistan. It really makes me sick to my stomach what people do to other people. If your husband is in Afghanistan, fighting for his country, then he shouldn't have to worry about who his wife is sleeping with this week. GROSS!!!! She's obviously out of the picture now! 
          As travel time was coming closer, so was the anxiety. I hate traveling. I get nervous something is going to go wrong or something is going to happen. This was also my first time traveling with Makenna without Brandon. She did so well when we went to Nevada in March, but she is getting bigger and more mobile now, so I was nervous! But at least I got the house squared away, and so ready for Michigan. 
          Another reason for going back to Michigan, was the distraction. I was still crying every day and throwing up a lot, so I needed something to keep me busy, I needed a distraction. I could of been fine, had I not gone back to Michigan, but it is always nice to get away and I hate it in Germany. It's the worse place ever to be stationed. It's nice for traveling, but not for every day living, especially on a rinky dinky post like the one I lived by! One good thing that I kept imagining was, "Shopping, here I come!"

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