Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Friday, June 24, 2011

Moving on....

  Since I have started this blog, I have been back tracking to try and catch ya'll up on what has already happened since my husband deployed, a little over 2 months ago, and I am kind of tired of it. I haven't really done much since I have gotten to Michigan, but visit and fight with my mother. Needless to say, Brandon was so right about her and I am no longer staying with her. She is unbelievable and I can't even sum up how awfully she behaves!
          Moving on. My sister is marrying the worst person in the whole wide world tomorrow. Let me explain about both of my older sister's and how they that act like children. As soon as I got married July 15, 2010, it became a race to get married. My oldest sister was so upset and MAD that I got married first, that soon after, she decided to stop cheating on her boyfriend, the father of her two children, and try to work it out with him so that he would finally marry her. Then as soon as she got engaged, my middle sister ran off to the courthouse and got married without telling anyone! She didn't tell my parents, or any of her friends, except one, because she needed a witness to sign the marriage certificate! Pathetic! She didn't want to be the last one married! Marriage wasn't in my sisters' head at all until their baby sister decided to get married! I think what frustrates me the most, is the fact that they got knocked up by these people that are not good people. (details to come) And they are miserable in both of their relationships and they want everyone to feel bad for them because their relationships suck! I feel like, if you’re not happy in your life, change it. I don't care how hard it is, life isn't about taking the easy rode all the time! So since I have a really good marriage, not to sound conceited, because my married is not close to perfect, but it works, they want to treat me like crap and want me to feel sorry for them! I don't feel sorry for myself, so I am definitely not going to feel sorry for someone else who refuses to do anything about it! Moving on. 
          Let me tell you about how the sisters' choice in men suck! First off, lets talk about my oldest sisters thingy. The first day I met him he checked me out in front of my sister and said this: "You and your sister have the same legs, nice!" Exactly like that. But he looks like a pedophile too! He had done many wonderful things since that first incident. Attacked her when she was pregnant, cheated on her, (but in all fairness, she has cheated just as much) ran my mom over with a car on purpose, and the list goes on and on. So, since I have only just named a feel, you can now come to your own opinion about him. Now, my middle sisters thing. He isn't a bad person. They equally cheat on each other all the time. The biggest problem with them is that they don't belong together and if they didn't have any kids, they wouldn't be together. Also when they fight they both say the meanest, cruelest things you could say to one another. They don't trust each other at all. IE: They want to go to a gym and workout but they both won't let each other go to a gym unless boys and girls have separate days. There is like one gym in the area that does girls on Sunday, Tuesdays, and Thursdays and boys on the other days! YEAH! GAY!!! Brandon is a team leader and when he was training he would have to sleep next to another woman every night in the field. Did it bother me? NO!!!!! I trust Brandon completely and I feel that if you can't trust someone, what kind of relationship is that? It's not! It's misery! I couldn't and wouldn't live like that ever! PERIOD! I don't care if I had to start all over again, I would! 
          Now let me describe my sisters. I love them to death, but they are the most selfish people I have ever met! Ask anyone who knows them and me, they tell me all the time that I am the complete opposite of them and thank goodness for that! If your not doing something for them then they don't want nothing to do with you and they will use their kids against you. They say they don't, but they do! And since now they don't talk to each other, they spend their days, trying to get me to choose my favorite, and facebook stalking each other and wondering what each of them are doing. I know they miss each other! They were like BFF's growing up, and now they don't talk for some reason, that both of them can't even remember, but they both won't strap on their big girl panties and talk it out! All in all, my family is drama and I am so glad to not live near them! Sometimes the 7,000 miles and and entire ocean apart, isn't enough distance when it comes to dealing with them! I'm getting heated just talking about them! 
          So, you may be wondering why I am going to the wedding tomorrow. I am going because I should. I should be the bigger person and just go and just deal with it, and that is exactly what I am doing. Even though my oldest sister is mad at me because I won't pay for her stupid cake! I will go, and take my daughter, and look amazing in this dress I bought! My oldest sisters dress looks like a prom dress! I'm not lying! But it's her wedding and her style so who cares! I'm not in the wedding anyways! She never even asked, and I'm not mad, I'm hurt! I've always been there, dealt with her stupidity, selfishness, and nonsense, but I didn't even come to mind with her wedding except to pay for her cake, which I'm not! And since she is such a nice woman (sarcasm) I bought her an amazing wedding card. It says "Congratulations" on the front and on the inside it says "How wonderful for you!" and then I signed it saying "-The Hetherton's" Yes, it's kind of mean and impersonal, but I couldn't find a card that says "Congratulations, you married a jackass, may your life continue to be miserable!" Hallmark must have been all out of those cards. 

         But on a better note, Brandon facebook messaged me and said this and I quote: "Im soo lucky to have you as my wife! I love you sooooooo much!!!" I really wanted to cry! I got the message when I was in the dressing room trying on new bra's so I wasn't at home to be able to chat with him for a second, but he says he is going to try to call tomorrow. He is moving to another post, a bigger one, for a few months to do some training! It may or may not mean I get to talk to him more, but we'll see, I guess! 
Me after I lost about 8 pounds, lost 5 more since!
           I had to go buy new bra's today! This is kind of personal, but I am so excited! I have lost 13 pounds since Brandon has left. This is good for me! I wanted to lose 20 pounds by time he gets back in a year, so I am almost there already, so maybe I can lose more! I am tall and not skinny but not fat at the same time, I am medium sized. So if I lose 20 pounds then I will be okay. But since I lost that weight, I lost my boobs too! The good things are always the first to go! There's a picture of me at about 8 pounds down, but I've lost 13 pounds total now! I can't wait to get back to Germany though and hit the gym and tighten up a little bit more, and the I will be completely happy. I don't expect to be a size 2, I never was, so I don't want to be. I am smaller now than I was before I got pregnant, so I think I am doing well! 
          But enough of my weight loss, I am tired and need to go to bed now. Tomorrow is going to be a dreaded day and I am not looking forward to it at all! I just hope she stays away from me so I don’t blow up at her at her own wedding! She’d deserve it too! I think what makes me the maddest about my family is, they get me to stoop to their level of stupidity and childish behavior! After I leave Michigan, I’m not coming back!

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