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Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Traveling 101

          So it's May **th, my travel day! I didn't get any sleep the night before. When I say I didn't get any, I really didn't! I laid down for hours, but got no where. So, when i finally decided, that laying there is lame, I got all my packed bags into my rental car. First rule to traveling: attempt to pack light!
          My attempt to pack light, FAILED! I ended up traveling with 2 suit case, 1 huge duffle bag, one carry-on, a stroller, and a car seat! FML! That's a lot by myself! Moving forward. I packed all that crap into my rental car. In my defense though, I was planning on staying for a month or 2 and with a baby, if I did not travel with all her clothes, who knows if they would fit her when I got back to Germany, so I packed it all. Then I got Makenna around and she pooped up the back of her PJ's! Of course! I couldn't leave them there, and had no time to wash them, so I changed her, rinsed out the dirty PJ's and put them in a plastic grocery bag, and packed them with me. Luckily the bag helped with the odor! Then I did last minute checks around the house, and loaded Kenna in the car, and we hit the road. It takes about 2 hours to get to the airport. That drive kind of sucked, but Makenna slept pretty much the entire time to the airport. Finally made it to the Frankfurt Airport. I dropped my rental car off in the parking garage and had to load everything onto one of those airport luggage carts, and Makenna in her infant car seat, and push the thing down a very long hallway, up to the second floor, and down another hall to the ticket counter. Once I made it there I got to check my bags and then I only had the stroller and my carry on bag, which was not too bad. I got to where my gate was, waited for security to open, went through it and then sat at the gate, waiting to board. I played with my phone, and fed Makenna. She was being so good! Then we boarded and we sat in our seat. I don't pay for her to have a seat of her own. That would cost me almost as much as an adult ticket, so I just have her sit on my lap. They have the bassinet seats at the bulk head of the plane and a bassinet hooks in front of you on the wall part. Kenna is too heavy for it to be on the wall, but I sat it on the floor, and we were okay.
            Rule 2 on traveling: Always have someone with you.
           I couldn't have anyone with me but I sat next to this amazing woman and she was so helpful. She was an American who was in Germany for a conference. She works for the Army and handles transportation, so it was cool to have her next to me and Kenna loved her. She would get things out of my diaper bag, hold Kenna for a second so I could get stood up and stuff out to change Kenna's diaper. It was so nice to have her there. I can't for the life of me remember her name though and that's horrible because she was so nice. She has 2 kids of her own, one boy and one girl, and so she understood what it felt like to need help. She made that 9 hour flight over the ocean so much easier! I am so thankful for her!
          I got off in Philadelphia, PA and had to go through another headache! I had to go pick up all my luggage, to see that one of my bags had busted open, go through customs, and then through immigration. Then I had to recheck my bags and tape the busted suit case so it would last me until I got to Detroit. Then when I got to the gate I boarded the plane for another 2 hour flight to Detroit, Michigan. That plane ride was quick and easy. Got off and met my parents and got my luggage. Makenna was scared. She was already going through a tough time traveling and what not, so she was kind of stand-off-ish. But then we got into the car and drove for another 2 hours to my parents house, stopped for food at McDonald's on the way.
          I got to my parents house at 7pm and about 2 hours later, we got our first visitors, but Makenna was already in bed.
         Rule 3: Don't let your kids sleep while traveling!
         Sounds crazy, I know! But since Makenna hardly ever slept while we were traveling, she went to bed at 830pm Michigan time, and was already adjusted to the time change. That made life easier in the end!
          So I guess the traveling wasn't too bad, and my trip was okay. I had no delays or anything, so I guess I can't complain. I just hope the trip home, will be just as nice. We'll see!

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