Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Next 4 Days to Follow

The next day sucked and dragged! I wanted to know how he was doing and where he was. Did he leave Ramstein Air base yet. Does he miss me as much as he does our kids? Can I get through this entire year alone? These are all thoughts I had and still have now.
               I found out on April **, at about 1130 am from some spouse in a stupid Facebook group that was created by the re-detachment commander, that the guys left Ramstein and were in the air.
              There is one thing you have to understand about me. I have nothing against Army wives except a large portion of them that are nothing but lying, cheating, drama starting, hating, GOSSIPING, stupid human beings that populate the post I currently live on. I do try to avoid them and any FRG function possible! Sorry if I offend you, but it's not all of them, it's just like 96, maybe 97% of them I hate.
              Then he called me on April ** at about 4 am (Germany time) to tell me he was in Kyrgyzstan, 2 countries north of Afghanistan. It was so amazing he hear from him. I remember my emotions doing back flips in my head! Yes, that is possible! He said it was okayThat he was tired from flying. He was living in a big giant room that had wall to wall bunk beds in it. He was there for about 2 weeks. They were just doing stupid classes that they made them do while they were home, which kept them away from home for about 2 weeks ever 2 weeks. I think that it’s pretty retarded by the way. If they have to take the stupid classes while they are there, then what is the point of them being away from home their last few months they are home? No point! But that’s the Army for you! I have learned through being in the Army and then being a spouse, that if it’s half backwards, the Army is doing it! No offense to Soldiers out there. I have total respect for you! It’s not your fault, but ya’ll know what I’m talking about.
               Day three came along and I decided to start a picture album on Facebook labeled “365 things I love/Miss about My Brave Husband”. That was also the day that Makenna’s high chair and pack n’ play finally came in the mail.
               Being in Germany sucks! I live on a rinky dinky post that has nothing at the PX. I have to order things off the internet, but some stuff they won’t even ship to me! For example: I wanted a nice white nursery set for our daughter. The PX only had cheap looking, not actually cheap though, white crap they call nursery furniture, but I don’t like crap for my Princess. So eventually I settled for this dark wood set, that is gorgeous but not what I wanted. I couldn’t get the swing or bouncer I wanted either because nobody would ship it to me. But they ship a pack and play and high chair. Doesn’t make sense to me either!
               Anyways, after waiting over a month for Makenna’s stuff to come in the mail, it finally came. If you are stationed overseas and you order from Wal-Mart, expect it to take months to get there! Other places aren’t like that but sadly, my favorite store, Wal-Mart, is! They should really work on that. The pack n’ play was easy to put together. It was pretty much together so I just had to take it out of the box and put the mobile on it. It came with a net thing to make the bottom of it higher and a thing that attaches, to be like a changing table, but since Makenna was already 6 months old, I didn’t need that stuff. Her high chair on the other hand, was a B.I.T.C.H! It was super cute though. It was the “Precious Planet” rainforest themed. So was the pack n play. It had bright turquoise, lime greens, hot pinks, and gorgeous purples and blues in it. It was perfect. I am doing her nursery in the same type of rainforest theme, with tons of bright colors. It’s a work in progress, because decorating is expensive, and well the Military doesn’t pay crap! Moving on, the high chair was not fun to put together at all, and it made me wish Brandon was there to put it together. He put together her crib, dresser, changing table, our entertainment center, 2 shelves, and many other things in our apartment. That is his “job”. I clean 99.9% of the house and he gets to read annoying directions and put things together. He doesn’t mind doing it though, so who would I be to take that joy away from him. LOL!
               I got it together, really without a problem, it was still a 2 person job, and I had to do it by myself. But Makenna loved it! She looked so cute sitting in it, eating her little puff snacks and smiling and laughing away. So that definitely made it worth it. Makenna and I was still house ridden though. I wasn’t ready to leave the house, mainly because, I knew I was coming back to an empty one. That thought alone was depressing. But I made it through the day. I was also putting off doing my homework. 
               I am a full time college student studying to be a teacher, and I just was not in the mood to do anything for school, and that isn’t me at all. I love school and I love being a college student. It makes me feel good that I will amount to being more than a house wife, in just a couple of years. That sounds bad, because I love being a wife, and I really love being a Mommy to our Princess, but I feel like I don’t contribute enough to my family. My “job” is to take care of the house and kids, to remember family birthdays, doctors appointments, and how many poopy diapers Kenna (Makenna) has gone through that day. Sounds gross, but to all the mother’s out there, ya’ll know that it’s important. But since I don’t contribute financially like I did when I was pregnant and in the Army, I feel like I don’t do enough sometimes. Brandon tells me that my job is way harder than his, and he really appreciate me and everything I do, but it’s just how I feel and I’m not sure why. It may be because I have always worked. I baby sat and did odd jobs until I was 16 and got a real job on top of babysitting and odd jobs. Then I joined the Army when I was 17 and a junior in high school and spent my summer vacation at basic training, then the next summer at AIT becoming an MP, then off to Germany to my first duty station. I guess my life just changed and it was different from what I was use to. I really hate relying on my husband, but he tells me that he relies on me to keep the house up and balance the checkbook, and raise our daughter. So to many people, I guess our jobs are pretty equal, but I still feel like I don’t do enough sometimes. I really just got to get over that, and maybe someday I will.
               Day 4 was so much better. The Ansbach community yard sales were going on. And I love me some yard sales. So Kenna and I got out of the house, on a gorgeous sunny day, drove to post and perused some yard sales. They didn’t have much that I needed at all. They had tons of toys that were either way to young for Kenna or way too old for her. However, I did find a giant leave! Sounds weird, so let me explain. Since Makenna’s room is rainforest themed, I found this giant leave that is like 3 feet long and 2 feet wide, with like a 3 foot long stem. You take the stem and screw that part into the wall and the leave part dangles over. It’s super cute! I want to put it above her crib so it makes it like a canopy, but I need to go buy the brackets for it. I still haven’t done it yet, but I will at the end of the summer. I also did some re-organizing in her room and hung up this new storage thing on the wall. It holds these cube shaped storage bins. It’s pretty cool, and I was able to hide her extra bottles of lotions, and soaps. We then finished the day out on the balcony and in the house watching cartoon movies! I don’t like a lot of TV time for her, but I was still having a rough time adjusting to him being gone! Another problem I was having, was throwing up every day, multiple times of the day too. I wasn’t eating and I was losing weight like champ, but in the worst way possible! I hate throwing up! I spent an entire 9 months throwing up when I was pregnant and it was back again. But it was the stress and anxiety taking over! But I guess, since I was losing some weight, I couldn’t complain really. At this point I was still crying myself to sleep every night and sleeping with the TV on. It made me feel safer and less alone. Its pretty cliché, but I like my big strong man there to protect us. I am strong and I can handle my own, but it’s still a comfort thing. Somebody out there has to feel the same way, right? RIGHT!


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