Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring Cleaning!

It's the end of March, and the weather here in Germany, has been surprisingly nice. It has been in the 60's and sunny, which is a real treat, since Germany is a lot like Washington state. We, as a family, have definitely been taking advantage of the warm weather. We have gone on bike rides, to the beach (not for swimming), and just been taking walks. Another thing that I like to do in the spring, is go through my entire house, and get rid of anything we don't need, I don't want, or the crap we have accumulated in the last year. I cleaned out the garage, and almost have it to wear I want it. I have piles of stuff that we are keeping, like holiday decorations and what not, then a pile of Army crap that needs to be sorted, and then put in tuft boxes, yard sale stuff, and stuff I am giving to my BFF, who's pregnant. I am going to drive all my stuff to post and have a yard sale in the housing area. I haven't decided when, but probably in a couple weeks. Then I will have another sale for when we PCS! I can't wait! Then we tackled our spare bedroom/computer room/mancave/everyday storage room. It's kind of the catch all room. Brandon has a TV, his XBOX 360, and a chair in there for him, then the computer desk is in there, along with stuff that we don't want in the garage because of the spiders, ie: Christmas Tree, and then we keep the vacuum cleaner, carpet shampooer, and mops in there too. The only thing left to do really is take the recycling from the spare bedroom and the garage, and drop it off at the recycling center tomorrow, when it opens. I am going to be going through Makenna's room soon too. I want to box up the babier toys that she don't really play with anymore. Then on to my bedroom. There isn't much to go through in there, but I want to get rid of clothes that Brandon and I don't wear anymore. The living room and bathrooms do not need to be gone through bc there isn't much in there, besides what goes in there. Spring cleaning is the best! I love being able to open the windows, and door to the balcony, and let the spring breeze in the house, after a long winter!

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