Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Edelweiss in February

     Well, it's March 11th, and I just realized that I skipped the end of January and all of February! I really need to get better about keeping up with this blog. I love blogging because it relaxes me, but finding the time between life, kids, and school, is really hard.
     Well, the end of January was the same. Brandon started working in the arms room, so he worked retarded hours that made him sleep during the day. He has to go to work to hand out weapons to the patrol shifts, and then turn the weapons in at the end of each shift. Yes, it is an easy job, but man the hours are crazy! He is up at 3 am to be to work by 4, and stays until 630-7am. Then he goes back to work at noon and stays until 2-230, then he goes back to work 8pm, and stays until 1030-11. Then repeats. No days off, and no breaks really! It may not seem like a lot, but since he can only get a few hours of sleep at a time, it makes him even more tired than necessary. He is doing that until March 19th.

     We were able to get him 3 days off in February, from the 15th until the 17th, so that we could go on a mini-vacation to Edelweiss, one of our favorite places to go in Germany. It may sound familiar to you, because we have been there a few times before, and I took Makenna there for her birthday weekend celebration back in October. We had a blast. We went during the week, so our favorite restaurant wasn't opened, and they were so booked, that we couldn't get massages done like we wanted too, but it was still really nice. We got caught into a white-out snow storm on the way there, which caused a HUGE argument in the car. Brandon wanted to turn around and go home, and I didn't. We were suppose to have our new Jeep that has 4-wheel drive, which would of made it easier, but we didn't. After a normal 2.5 hour drive, and it taking us almost 5 hours to get there, we got there, and Brandon ended up saying I was right, and he was glad I didn't listen to him about turning around. We had a blast. Makenna went to daycare on the 16th, so Brandon and I could walk around the town, and enjoy the hot tub, and get some much needed husband and wife time! It was nice to not really do a lot, and we didn't really spend a lot of money, but it was relaxing, and it got us out of the house. The trip home was nice, and we didn't get bogged down with tons of snow, so it only took us the normal 2.5 hours to get home.

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