Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Zoo time!

Polar bear picture
watching the polar bears!
    Living in Germany, we find it a rare occasion that it is warm, and even rarer to have the sun shining bright! Yesterday, March 16th, my husband and I decided to go to the zoo. We had so much fun! There wasn't many people there since the German's work, so it was nice and peaceful. Makenna had so much fun with many of the animals. Her favorites consisted of the polar bears, gorilla's, penguins, and shetland pony's. She even enjoyed the  polar bears so much, that we walked by a coke vending machine and it had a polar bear on it, so she went up to it and was talking to it! It was so funny! She just had a great time! She got to run around for the most part since it was pretty dead, so I didn't have to worry about her getting lost in a crowd or anything! That was also another reason why we wanted to go when it was dead! It was so tiring on all of us. Pretty much the whole zoo is uphill, so it was quite the workout too. We picnicked in a nice area too. They have picniking spots, and then they have random picnik tables in places, so we sat at one and enjoyed sandwiches and snacks. Then we finished up our zoo fun, and headed back home. Makenna surprising did not fall asleep on the ride home, even though she was fighting it sitting in the stroller, towards the end. All in all! Makenna was great, the hubby was in an amazing mood, and I was feeling pretty good myself, even though mother nature was trying to kick my ass!!!

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