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Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What's coming up in the Hetherton household

So, it seems that I am always busy, and most days run into each other, but it's about to get worse! My family and I have so much going on this spring, that I don't know what to do with myself.

1. Brandon's re-enlistment:
              We don't have know the specific date for that, but it'll be any day now
2. Finding out where we are going and when we are going there:
              We don't have a specific date for that either because that will depend on item #1
3. March 15th:
              I get all my info regarding the 10-12 year old softball team I am coaching
4. March 16th:
              Trip to the zoo and dinner with friends, and bar night
5. March 19th:
               My husband starts his first college classes and I start my last college classes!
6. March  19th:
               Makenna's 18 months/Spring/Easter pictures
7. March 21st:
               My last face-to-face class starts
8.  March 28th:
               Pay day
9. March 28th:
                I have class

April and May are starting to become busy also. Makenna has her 18 month check-up and shots on the 9th of April and we also will be getting a referral so that Makenna can go back to the eye Dr. She went to the eye Dr. back in November, and they said that she is near sited and has astigmatism in both eyes, but they wanted to wait for her eyes to develop more before putting glasses on her. If it stays the same or got worse, we will be fitting her for glasses. She is going to be so cute in glasses. I am not a fan of the idea because I don't want to cover up her big blue eyes, but it may help her so that she won't have to wear glasses her whole life. I have glasses for reading and Brandon is blind as a bat, so it may just be in her DNA. Either way, she is still going to be beautiful.

May is when I graduate. I am getting my associates degree. It definitely is exciting for me because it's another stepping stone for the rest of my life. It makes me feel like I am doing something great, and something for our future. I've been in a slump since leaving the military because I feel like I wasn't going anywhere, so school makes me feel like I am accomplishing so much. Anyways, I have a gala at the Heidelberg castle the night before. It is a black tie event. I ordered a dress online, and if I lose about 5 pounds, it'll fit perfect! The next size would of been too big, so I am just going to lose the weight and it'll be perfect. I bought black pointy toe shoes to wear with it. The gown is floor length, so the shoes won't show to much. They are simple and they match my dress, and I can wear them with other things too. Like, this Friday evening when Brandon and I leave Makenna with a friend, and we go out to dinner with another couple, and then the bar afterwards. I am going to wear the shoes with some skinny jeans, and a nice shirt. I'm getting side tracked again. The graduation ceremony is on the 5th of May. Brandon and Makenna will be in the audience watching and I am so excited to have Makenna see that I am doing something great even though I left my first career. I know there is more coming up, but I can't think of it off the top of my head.

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