Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Dismal December

     December was a pretty busy month for me, and not just because of the holidays either.

School Update:
     December meant the last three weeks of school for my writing class, and my biology class. I fell behind on my school work from being in the hospital, recovery, and then Makenna getting sick, but my teachers were very understanding and let me catch up with all my work. I finished both of my classes with C's. Not my best grades, but I have been overloaded and stress lately, my work is lacking a bit. But honestly, I am still passing the classes, so that is all I care about. I raise my daughter alone, in a foriegn country, and I am only 21 years old. On top of the normal motherly stress, dealing with my husband being deployed doesn't make focusing any easier.

Health Update:
     Physical therapy is going well. It is getting hard to take Makenna and daycare closed their hourly center and so they only have a few spots open with the full time daycare kids. Makenna doesn't like to sit still in her stroller, so she fusses. Well, they don't like the fussing because it may prevent the other patients from being able to relax. I get where they are coming from, but my hands are tied, and I really need the physical therapy to get better.
     Councelling is going well too. I see her once a week. My shrink, Ami, is working really well with me and getting to know me so she can teach me how to cope with stresses that I can't handle. My problem is that I get stressed over the things that I can't change. Sounds bad, but I don't know how to just let things go or let things take their course.
     I also see a mind body therapist once every 2 weeks. She shows me coping mechanisms for when I am stressed. She showed me this tapping thing. It is really hard to explain through typing, but maybe one day I will make a video and upload it on here because I am sure it will help others too! I have never heard of it, and I google mechanisms all the time! LOL!
     Yes, that is true, I have 4 appointments one week, and three appointments the next, and it alternates. It will probably be like this for the next few months. Maybe soon, I can cut back on the councelling so that I will have one less appointment to go too. I am hoping to make councelling a once every 2 weeks thing, and then a once a month thing, and then slowly and surely, not at all, maybe just a refresher every few months. Here's hoping. Physical therapy will stay crazy and hectic for a while, until I make some progress physically. Who knows when that will be. Only God knows.

     My car's check engine light came on and the mechanics on post told me that it was a computer problem so I drove an hour to Nurnberg and paid 80 euros to have them update the computer system, and that did not fix the problem. Now they think that my Jeep has 2 faulty O2 sensors. They don't know if they need to be replaced or if it is something else, so they are going to charge me to let me know if they need to be replaced or what. Got to love mechanics and money grubbing AAFES!!! AAFES is the company on post that sucks what little money the military pays us, out!!! I hate AAFES! They are severely over priced, and they carry crappy quality stuff or they have like Prada and Coach brand stuff and that is just way to expensive for our one income and 2 kids we provide for! Getting off my AAFES rant now!

Makenna's gifts!

     The holidays were good. Makenna hates Santa. She was so afraid of him both times she hated him. It is probably her age. We found out on December 21st that my husband is being released from Afghanistan EARLY to come and help me!!! I am so excited. They told me 36 hours, and well, it has been 2 weeks since they said that, and he still isn't home and the paperwork to get him home isn't even done!! UGGG!!! FUCKING ARMY!!!! I am very appreciative that he is coming home earlier than the rest of the guys, but I want to know when. I need his help to watch Makenna while I go to my million appointments!!! The Army just doesn't even care about families. They never have, and sadly, they never will. We waited to celebrate Christmas, but after a week had gone, after Christmas, I gave in and did Christmas. Christmas was great, and Makenna made out like a bandent!! My huney got me three bracelets and sapphire earings. I loved them!!! I picked them out, but still!

     So December pretty much was busy, but it fricking sucked celebrating Brandon and I's 3rd Christmas together, apart! I was so sad pretty much all of the month, that I kept buying the kids presents to try to fill the void. It didn't work at all! I didn't do any baking or anything. I baked a little bit for Brandon to go in his care packages, but that was it! This year was not a Christmas spirit kind of year...

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