Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Mail Call

     Today I was suppose to go to physical therapy, but I neglected to schedule Makenna for daycare today, and so when I called to see if they had a slot, they said that hourly care is closed for the week. Hourly care is for people who use daycare, not on a full-time, or part-time basis, more an an "hourly" rate pretty much whenever you need it. I cancelled all my physical therapy for the week since I don't have a sitter for Makenna. Bummed because my back is hurting me a lot the last couple of days. All well, soon I won't have to cancel anything!

     I ran around today and did some errands. First I went and got a V.A.T form to take the vet office. A V.A.T. form is when you spend a 100 euros or more, you can use this VAT form so that you do not have to pay the 19% sales tax they have here in Germany. It really saves you a lot of money. Jasper's vet bill would of been 100 euros (about $135 USD) but was only 81 euros (about $100 USD). I'll take all the savings I can get! After that I went to the Brucken Center (German Mall) and printed off some pictures of Germany. A friend of mine's mom asked me if I would print off pictures of Germany and send them to her since her son doesn't, so I did that today, and got an FRG blanket in the mail for her too. After that I went to the mail room and mailed the package to my friend's mom, and then a package of sewing projects for my nephews. I made Logan 2 pares of PJ pants out of old sheets, and I made Kaden an apron out of ACU's so he doesn't have to wear a girly one anymore! Then I came home. I still need to run the trash to post, pick up some baby wipes, and pick up an outdoor see-saw I am buying off of someone for Makenna. I also have school tonight at 1830! Busy day!!

     When I was mailing things off at the post office, I picked up my mail. A bunch of letters came in the mail and 3 packages! One was some clothes that I ordered Makenna in her next size! I totally forgot that I had ordered them, so Makenna does not need any more clothes in her next size. I also got Makenna's new jogging stroller in the mail today too! It wasn't suppose to be here for another month, so I am glad it came early. I ordered it from Walmart, and they usually take 1-2 months to ship to me overseas! It was a pleasant surprise. It is so nice out today, we'll probably test out the stroller in a little bit! The last thing that came in the mail was Makenna's infant car seat. I had to use it to go to Michigan, and then I bought her a big girl one, so my mom mailed her infant one back to me so I can sell it with the base, and matching stroller.

~~~~~~Husband leaves Afghanistan real soon!!!~~~~~~~

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