Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


     Well today is January 12, 2012 and it is about 9 minutes after midnight. I can't sleep! I fell asleep on my couch earlier for like an hour, after I put Makenna down at 2000, and when I went to go back to bed, I couldn't sleep! This has been happening a lot lately and I am tired of spending my days so tired, and my nights exhausted, but unable to sleep! UGGGG!!! On the 10th, I had to go to Hohenfels, which is an hour drive away to pick up this satellite box so we can have TV channels, and on my way there, an asshole cut me off on the autobahn (highway) and made me slam on my breaks, causing my Jeep to slip on the wet roads, and go off the road, and into a little tree. I only hit the branches of the tree, and nobody was hurt luckily. The car just drove off with hesitating. Now my beautiful Jeep has a bunch of small dents from the drivers side door, and the drivers side front fender, and a large dent in the drivers side front bumper. The glass part of the drivers side, side view mirror popped out of its plastic casing too. I am getting the mirror fixed, but the dents, I'm leaving. We won't have the Jeep much longer, so I don't want to pay to repair it. They aren't that noticeable anyways. Makenna was strapped into her car seat on the passenger side, back seat, where no damaged occurred, and she slept through the whole incident, which was nice.  

     Nothing has really changed, but I am starting to feel the weakness in my legs and that was what my Dr was concerned about. I already have the weakness in my arms, shoulders, and hands, but now my legs are going out. My legs gave in on me yesterday and I almost fell down the stairs. Luckily, Makenna was in the car already, and I was running up stairs because I forgot my ID card. I have physical therapy today and I am going to talk to her about it. I am also going to make an appointment to see my regular doctor, today, so we can talk about it. I am falling apart and it is so scary and I think that is contributing to my insomnia! It just stresses me out!! I'm only 21!!

     The last 3 days now, Jasper, our 8 month old kitty, has been whining obnoxiously! I didn't know why either. I thought maybe he was horny, so after 2 days of losing sleep because of him I let him outside, and he just wanted right back in. He doesn't usually go outside, but he's been out on our balcony quite a bit. So I got a vet appointment yesterday and took him in. Poor little fella has a bladder infection and I feel like the world's worst mother for spanking him for being annoying, and he was in a lot of pain! I'll never let that happen again! They gave him an antibiotic shot, that will last a week, and they gave him a pain killer shot, that will last a day or two, until the antibiotics kick it. He has been sleeping since we got home. He even went to bed without me, which is unusual! He always waits for me! I feel so bad for him. For the next two weeks he is on a wet cat food mixed with warm water, so its soupy, diet, and water (as usual). He has a check-up next week to see if he is getting better. When he goes back I am going to schedule him to get his shots and to get him fixed for the beginning of February. I also learned today that he only has one ball on the outside, and the other ball is on the inside, so its not only going to cost me double to get him fixed, but if I don't get him fixed, it can lead to Cancer! I don't want that! I took him to a German vet since the vet on post was booked up for another week, and the vet on post is temporarily a 30 minute drive away! The German vet is super nice, and I was very impressed with him. They are a little bit more pricey, but totally worth it! I will continue to bring Jasper to him from now on!!

     Makenna is walking/running more. She only does it on her time. She prefers walking on her knees (not crawling, her body is completely upright) and she is actually pretty fast! I know I can't move that fast in that position! LOL! But she is still my normal, silly little Munkee girl. She is learning more animals and identifying a lot of things! She really absorbs all the things I teach her. She went to bed at 2000, and around 2300, I hear a big thud from her room, and she was crying, so I ran in there, and she fell out of her bed. She had fallen out once before, when we first switched her into a toddler bed. She's currently sleeping in my bed until I decide to move her back to her bed before I go to sleep.

     Still no update on when he will be home. I am not going into much detail because it just pisses me off! Just know that he is not home, where he should be, yet. :'(

I hope everyone is sleeping better than me, and I hope that your kitty doesn't get what Jasper has because he was in a lot of pain! :( Good night everyone!

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