Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Reflecting on November 2011

     November was an ok month. Brandon has been back in Afghanistan, from R and R, about 2 months now. Makenna was on a consistent schedule of going to school twice a week, so she was loving the interaction. She cried when I left, but after I was out of sight, I was out of her mind.

New Tattoo

     On October 25, I got a new tattoo on my left forearm. It is of Makenna's footprints from when she was only a couple weeks old. It turned out really nice. I originally wanted it on my back, lower left side, but my love handles made it lay weird, so until they are gone, tattoo's won't really look good back there. All well. The tattoo artist was so nice, and he worked with me trying to find a new spot for it. He even pointed out that it laid funny and it was going to look funny if I got it there. So I am really appreciative of that.
     On November 2nd, April, a fellow soldier, and former co-worker from when I was in the Army, and I went to the Katterbach Fitness Center to donate blood for the Armed Forces Blood drive. I was a little weary because back in April when I donated blood, they couldn't get my veins and so I couldn't donate really. I was also weary because I had just gotten a new tattoo. But I guess as long as the needles and ink were sterile you can donate still. So I donated. It was a good time. Went to the commissary afterwards, then home, and later picked up Makenna from school. Not too shabby of a day.

     On Thursday the 3rd of November, and every Thursday after until December 15th, I had school. The currently class that I was taking face to face was writing. I liked the instructor a lot. Mr. Lang was a tough grader, but also very understanding. He understood when I needed to miss class for my daughter being sick or myself. I try not to miss too many days because then it is hard to catch up. The class consisted of a lot of conferences online, and 3 major papers. It wasn't too difficult, just very time consuming. I would spend at least 12 hours a week, working on his class. I was also taking biology online and a personal finance class. The personal finance class ended on November 20th. It was a weird inbetween the two sessions class. It started half way through session 1 and ended half way through session 2. My school has 2 sessions a semester. Each session is 8 weeks long, instead of the normal 16 week classes. It is nice, but they still have to fit everything that you would normally learn in 16 weeks, into 8 weeks. It keeps you on your toes for sure!  I had signed up to take a couple of seminars, the first weekend of November, and the first weekend of December, but they were both cancelled. I was kind of mad and excited at the same time. Seminars are 2 days, for 8 hours and are worth 1 credit hour. I wanted the credits, but I was kind of glad that I didn't have to sit through them! lol! School for November was normal. It was about half way through the session, and so the homework load was pretty heavy as well as the reading.
     I had a few Dr's appointments in November too. I have found out about the Neurological disorder back in September, and found myself in the hospital the Monday after Thanksgiving. I was rushed, via ambulance, to the E.R. because I couldn't move my back at all. It was parallized. It hurt so bad. On top of the MP's showing up, after being lost, and I was on my period, wearing a pad, but in a night gown, and the MP had to lift me back into bed, because I combat rolled out of bed, to unlock the door, they sent one female MP I can't stand! She use to stalk my husband and before we got married, she would like corner me in the barracks rooms bathroom and talk shit. She is so weird! I also decided that instead of clenaing up my house the night before, that it was more important to put together my daughter's toy kitchen she was receiving for Christmas, so the kitchen was a disaster! I was so imbaressed! I did not want "crazy"(the female MP) to see my normally very clean and beautiful home, messy!!! Just my luck of course!!! Christina, my BFF here, came to my rescue and kept Makenna, along with her 6 year old, and 4 month old twins, for the 3 days I was in the hospital. The Germans treated me like shit because I couldn't speak German, and they pretty much kept me, but were no help!! UGGG!! I was so mad!! I still am!! LOL!!!

     Thanksgiving Day was fun. I was going to do it with a friend, but it became very unorganized, and I really wanted to do something for the MP's that are single, that had no place to go, so I cooked for them. April came over, but everyone else was getting in trouble and were stuck cleaning and what not, so I just sent the rest of the food to the barracks and they ate there. It was nice to have just one person in my house, its not very big, instead of like 30! They still got good food, so that's all that matters. I cooked my very first turkey and it was amazing!!! It only took 18 hours in my very small convection oven, but it was perfect!!! I was so proud of myself. I also made green bean casserole, corn casserole, stuffing, cranberry sauce (canned), mashed potatoes, and gravy! It was so yummy!!! It all turned out perfect except the pies. I usually make a really good apple pie, but I didn't have enough apples, so it tasted good, but looked like crap! I didn't serve it.

     November also marked the 7th month of my husband being gone! I miss him so much!! It sucks so much not being able to cook, clean, or do anything for him. I feel so helpless!! I just want to do it all for him! I felt guilty celebrating Thanksgiving without him, but he told me that this is what he chose to do and he doesn't want Makenna or I to miss out on normal festivities just because he does. He truly is amazing! I couldn't ask for a better, and more understanding husband!

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