Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, July 28, 2011

About Me:

          Their are many aspects of my life that nobody really knows about, some things that happened after I left my home town, at the age of 16, and moved to the Detroit area. These things still haunt me and bother me, and makes the things in my daily life, even harder to deal with. Most things I have never even told my husband. It's not that I'm keeping secrets from him, its just something that I don't want to talk about. It clouds my brain enough, does it really need to cloud my mouth too? But then sometimes it does seem like I am keeping it a secret from him, so I will tell him on R&R. He will not be mad, he'll be very understanding actually. That's what I love about him! That's all I have to say about that, now lets move on!
          More details about me. I grew up in the middle of no where, where I just was never meant to live. The country life is ok, but it's not how I want to live, and I'm not. Though I have enjoyed many activities that come with living in the country, ie: snowmobiling, 4-wheeling, muddin', etc. its not how I want to continue to live and I've known this since I was like 14 years old. When I moved to the Detroit area when I was 16, and truly got the feeling of what it felt like to struggle, and work my ass off just to survive, I learned that the inner city isn't for me either. I want to live in the suburbs. I want to live where their is stuff going on, and I don't have to drive an hour to get to it, like you do in the country, and I don't always want to be in the center of the action, like in the city. I definitely don't want to be back in the inner city ever again! Not worth anything to me! I hated it there, and it'll be a cold day in hell before I ever go back there!

          My mother kicked me out when I was 16 years old, for no reason. I'm not saying that for nothing, she really just up and decided one day she was done taking care of me, so I had to go. Lived with a friend for a while, but that really didn't work out. I was on my own, pretty much, and it was not fun! But I stayed in school, kept my grades up, and graduated to a better life!

          I joined the Army on September 11, 2007, initially as a reservist then went to basic training in June 2008, graduated, then returned to high school for my senior year, at the same time I chose to go active duty and become a 31B, military police officer. I went to training for that in July 2009, and then got stationed in Ansbach, Germany, in October 2009. I worked to road, as a patrol cop, partied, and met the love of my life, Brandon Michael Hetherton. He was an NCO in my unit, that happened to live across the hall from my barracks room. You've already read how we met, so we will skip that part. I got pregnant on January 17, 2010 from the love of my life. We were already talking marriage, so we just moved our wedding date up 5 months. Initially we were going to get hitched in December 2010, but we did it in July. We've been together as of this date today a year and 8 months, (almost 9) and we've been married over a year. Our anniversary for dating is November 14, 2009 and our wedding one is July 15, 2010. We are happy and we have an amazing life.

         I have a 9 month old daughter (10 in a week) named Makenna Sue Hetherton. I absolutely love her name! I think that it is creative and fun, and I have even spelled it differently than how other people do. Most spell it McKenna or MacKenna. Either way, her name only has one capital letter in it, and no C. Dare to be daring! LOL! We almost named her Cyrus Aleena Sue Hetherton. (2 middle names), but that name was cute, but she didn't feel like a Cyrus, and after knowing there are 2 scary murder creepy movies out with a killer name Cyrus, kind of glad we didn't! LOL!!  I still like the name though, but I LOVE Makenna's name. We call her Kenna most of the time, but her Daddy calls her Munkee! (Yes, I spelled monkey wrong for a reason) We made her a stuffed monkey that had her Dad's voice recorded in it for the deployment, and we had to name it, so we decided on Munkee, and instead of keeping the spelling the same, we made our own up. It came from build-a-bear workshop, so it has a birth certificate and everything. Makenna does many many many things, and she is currently exploring the walking stage. She is very smart and has always been very advanced for her age.

          I have a step-son named Chance Alexander Edward Hetherton. He is 9 years old. Yes, he was born when I was 11, almost 12. I didn't know Brandon back then though, so it's not weird or anything. He currently resides with his mother in Nevada for now, until we move back to the states, then he will be living with us, like it should be. He should be with his Daddy, Sister, and me. Plus there are many details about his mother that I won't exploit on the internet, for reasons why he should be living with us. Moving on.... He is a great kid, very smart, and handsome.  I love him like he is my own, and always will. I know we will hit the point in our relationship where he is going to play the "ur not my mother" card, and I say bring it on! I love him regardless, and he will know that eventually, it may just take time, a lot of time. Brandon was 17, almost 18 when Chance was born, his mother was 16. Brandon dropped out of high school and got a job and took full responsibility for his actions, or lack of actions (no condom) and has always tried to be the best father to him, even though we live 10,000 miles away in Germany. Brandon truly loves his kids with all his heart, and they are his world! I am still getting to know Chance, and I am adjusting to being a step mom. I hate that I don't get a say at all, but I'm learning to deal with that. Regardless of who's eggs he's made out of, he is an equal member in my house!


Full Bathroom

Kenna's room
love seat in living room
TV wall in living room
          My house. I live in a tri-plex style home in Germany. It's kind of like a duplex, but it has 3. It's really nice for being a German home! I love it! I can't wait to get back to it. I hated how it took me being away from my house to realize how much I love it! But that's part of the learning process in life, and I have learned my lesson for sure!  It's pretty cool. I am still decorating, because its ungodly expensive, so little by little, we are getting it to where we want it. Plus, I'm not doing any painting or anything since we are moving in less than 2 years, about a year and 6.5 months from now actually! So it'll never be totally the way I want it, but its still nice! All the pics are from when we first moved in, so the bathroom isn't still empty, Kenna's room has more too it now, and the living room has been modified a bit too. But you get the idea!
chair in living room
           I like to sew and scrapbook, but that is currently an expensive hobby that I have had to put on hold due to finances. I have tons of scrap booking stuff, but no pictures printed out. I really need to get prints as soon as we get some extra money! My plan is to make Makenna a scrap book, well all of our kids, a scrapbook of themselves over the last year. I have everything to make Makenna's but no prints. I need to do that when I get back to Germany, so I can get her book done before her actual birthday in October. We are doing her party about 3.5 weeks early, so Brandon can be there!

           I was thinking about doing some crafts for extra money. I have noticed that people in housing on post have problems getting curtains to fit the windows. Germans have their curtains hung from their ceiling on a track. Since I can sew, and I could make any kind of curtains they wanted, any style, and material, I thought I could go into a business doing that. Maybe do my friend's houses for just the cost of the material, and then they can show it off to their friends and I could make curtains! I think that it would be fun, and that is an easy enough project to do after Kenna goes to bed for the night. I want to make curtains for my house anyways. I like mine, but I want better ones, longer ones, since the curtain rod track is almost 12 feet high! I could get creative too. My living room is done in zebra print, my favorite, and navy blue. So I could in cooperate the zebra print into the curtains somehow. Now I've got my self thinking! LOL!!!

          I have always worked. I started baby sitting at like the age of 9, and at the age of 14 I got a job cleaning kennels and doing some other odd and ends stuff, while still baby sitting. When I was 16 I worked at various fast food restaurants. I moved around quite a bit, so I had to get a new job quite a bit too. I also did some under the table gigs too, just to make ends meat. That is the reason why I joined the Army, I got tired of struggling! I hated working just to survive, I wanted to work to not only survive, but to have fun. I wanted to make something of myself too! Once I joined the Army, and moved to Germany, I had a disposable income! I had no responsibilities what so ever! A couple minor credit cards, and a cell phone, and internet bill, but that was it! It was amazing! I don't live like that anymore. I do not work, and I have a husband and kids now, and I miss that, and hopefully soon, when I get a job, get us out of debt, we can go back to having a more leisure-filled income, not completely disposable, but better than what we have now! I want to travel more too and that cost money, lots of it! Plus we are going to need more money in savings for when we get back to the states for good.

           Moving Plans: Brandon is getting a job set up for him to go to after we get back to the states, and we are looking at houses, but in the mean time while we look, we will rent a little apartment. We are going to rent an apartment because we don't want to rush our house buying. We want to move into a house that we want to keep forever, we don't want a ''starter home''. When we buy our house, we want to keep that house and never move again! Brandon and I have both moved around too much in our lives, we are tired of it, and are ready to settle in! So, taking a few months to really look at a house, and make sure we want it, is smart. We may spend more money because we will have to pay for an apartment, but it'll be worth it, knowing we truly got the house of our dreams! We are still planning to move to Florida. Going to the sunshine state. I really am not a fan of the heat, I love winters, but Brandon wants out of the snow, so we are moving. We have both agreed. It's not just because Brandon says he wants to live there either. He was willing to live in Michigan if I wanted too, and I said no way, we then decided maybe Nevada, now we have pretty much settled in on Florida. We haven't wanted to change our minds about that one! I am so excited!

          But that is a ton of information about me. Let me know about you, my readers! Going to try to sleep now. I am tired, after a failed attempt to fall asleep, and blogging for almost 2 hours, it is time to hit the sack! Good night!!!

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