Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Friday, July 22, 2011

Need to get a job!

Makenna and I at the beach!
          Financially, I am ok. We have enough money to pay our bills and have some left over, but not tons. The Army pay is crap, and we were doing great when I was in the Army, bringing in some money. I am starting to apply for jobs for when I get back home, but they need a copy of my DD-214, proof of military discharge, in order to finish them! I don't want to start working until after Brandon's R & R because I don't want to have to go to work when he is home! I will start bringing in some money for going to school starting in September, but that still isn't a whole lot. I think that if I go to school full-time, and get a job, we could get out of debt so much faster! Then I could put tons of money away in the savings account for when we get out of the Army and buy our house. I am going to need to fill it up! LOL! I think getting a job will make me feel better too! I will put Kenna in daycare while I work (not ideal, but need too) and work! I can do it. School, work, and a Mommy, I got this! LOL!!!

          I put a picture of Makenna and I at the beach from last week! We had a good time! She is getting so big! I have decided that Makenna will know who her Daddy is when he gets home! She will remember! I am the one person in the world who knows my daughter the best, and I think she will!!!!! Anyways! Nothing else is really going on. Excited to get home! LOL!

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