Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, July 14, 2011

WOOT WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          My anniversary gifts came today! I am so excited! It's on a CD, but I am emailing them to him. They are pictures of me. I will explain more after he see's them. Since my anniversary is tomorrow, I am pretty excited for him to be able to see them hopefully tomorrow. I am staying up tonight to see if he gets online! I really hope he does! I am not doing anything for our anniversary though, so I think that I will make up for it next year and do something BIG for him/us! We will be together and what the heck, its our anniversary, why not?
          So I really need need need my husband to skype with me. The plan is this: I emailed all the pictures to Brandon and then I went into his email account and put them in a folder, because I am a sure that he won't even notice a new folder in his email. Then when I skype with him I will tell him to check it out and so I can see his reactions! Good plan, huh???? I hope it works!
          Tonight is going to be a short post. I really don't have much to say. I am staying up in hopes that my amazing husband gets on the internet sometime within the next couple of hours! Talk to ya soon!!!

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