Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, July 4, 2011

295 days to go!

          So 295 days to go, may not look like a big accomplishment, but I feel it is! We started at 365 days, or close to that, and we are cutting the days out! It's an amazing feeling! But I am going to be honest, I am one paranoid wife! I am the kind of wife, that doesn't care if he talks to other woman, or jokes around with them. I get jealous but I trust him and I know he is coming home to me, so it doesn't really get to me. I let him go to the bar on his guys nights out, even on stripper nights! I just don't care. But there is this girl that he is deployed with and I think that she has a crush on him. She has 87 pictures up of the deployment on facebook (which is not set to private) and 11 of them are of Brandon! Yeah, 11! Plus she has all these semi-flirty captions for them! I really don't think I would care if he was home or just gone for a couple weeks. Then he was facebook chatting with another girl he is deployed with. I know this girl and I don't think that she would ever pursue my man because she knows I would kill her, but it still bothers me now. I wish it didn't and I know it's only because he is gone and they get to be around him and not me! I am so tired of being "that" wife, where it bothers me! I am driving myself insane with my own insanity, if that is even possible! GGGGRRRRR!!!!!!! Pictures above!!!
         Moving on. I am so ready to go back to Germany. I just ordered the cutest luggage set because my luggage broke on my way to the states! It was old and hand-me-downs anyways, and my new luggage is amazing! I don't know if I have told ya'll but I am the biggest fan of zebra print! Here's the link to it, it won't let me save a picture!    It's is amazing! Can't really beat the price! I love Walmart! One major thing I miss about America is Walmart. We could save so much money if we could get groceries, diapers, wipes, etc. from Walmart. There clothes are okay, not a big cloth shopper there, but I do look because occasionally they will have a cute shirt or tank. I did get Brandon a pair of pants from there this weekend. See, your suppose to take one civilian outfit with you to Afghanistan, because when you go on R & R, you have to wear civilian clothes from the airport in Kuwait to your final destination in Germany. Brandon had gotten quite a bit of stuff because he is a big time "Gear-do" so he didn't want to have to carry and try to fit some clothes, so I am sending him an outfit, and by time I get back to Germany, to mail him some of his clothes, he may not get them in time because of the slow ass mail system! Yes, he will be home that soon! I can't say when, but ya'll will know! I will be shouting it from my roof top in Germany, and even the devil down in hell will hear me! LOL! I make myself laugh sometimes! I say if you can't laugh at yourself sometimes, whats the point of laughing at all!
          This blog entry is taking forever for me to type, but I was interrupted by my hubster who logged on to facebook and I got to chat with him for a whole entire 7 minutes! It was so amazing! I told him how I felt bad about thinking he might like someone else and he just laughed at me! He told me to cheer up and enjoy my last few weeks in the states and when I get back to Germany, life will be back to normal and I will be missing the states! Which will kick in a few weeks after being home. Love my house and if I were in the states, I really wouldn't have any complaints! Love my family, and they are all I need though! I'd live on the moon as long as I was with them!
          Now tomorrow I am going to mail 2 packages to my hubster, one containing enough junk food to feet an Army (pun) and the other with some movies I got that apparently were mine that I let my sister borrow before I moved to Germany almost 2 years ago, and the outfit for him to go on R & R with! Then I am going to go to work with my friend Kayla. She works as a life guard at this pool, so Kenna and I are going to soak up the sun tomorrow and swim our brains out! I just bought a new bathing suit too, so I am pretty excited!!!! I've lost 14 pounds and even though I am not done losing weight, it is a start, and I am starting to feel good about myself a little bit and more comfortable in a bathing suit!
          So I have the Disney channel playing in the background and then they started talking about the Grimm
Brother's stories, such as Hansel and Gretel. Then they started talking about the Black Forest, the forest that is in pretty much all of the stories. I did some googling, and it is only 2 hours from my house! So I think that we are going to take Makenna their, when Brandon is on R & R! It'll be fall time too, so some of the leaves will be beginning to change! I love the fall, my favorite season! My favorite month is October, and that was the month my beautiful angel was born in, so I love it all the more!!
Makenna Sue on the 4th of July 2011!
          I have noticed that I ramble a lot on here! LOL! My blog, I make the rules! LOL! But I think that I am done for now. Here's a pic of my princess for the 4th of July! Love my readers!

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