Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

John Ball Zoo in Michigan

Monkey from Zoo
          Today I took Makenna Sue to her first zoo. We went to the John Ball Zoo in Grand Rapids, Michigan, with my parents, my sister and her husband, and my 2 nephews and 2 nieces! It was 2 car fulls, but we had a blast. Makenna loved it too! She got a little antsy at time, but for the most part, she was an angel. She tried to kiss a baboon through the glass. My 9 month old baby girl loves monkeys! They are her favorites! So, I had to go the gift shop and buy her another monkey! It is perfect too! It is all camouflage. Picture to the right! Isn't it cute? I am going to have Brandon name it for us, since he couldn't be there to pick it out with me. We did however, bring Makenna's Daddy Doll with us so he wasn't left out at all! We try to include him as much as possible.

Me at 154 pounds, looking healthy!
          Another highlight of my day was skyping with my husband! It was so amazing after missing him a total number of 3 times, I finally got him! It felt so good. The only down fall was the friends mom, the person I am staying with while I am in Michigan, decided to tell my husband that I am starving myself. I was mad, but I can't be totally mad, because it is partially true. I am never hungry so I don't eat. Then when I do eat, I throw it up. Some of it is stress related, but I am a realist, some of it is my own anxieties and insecurities. I have been losing weight really well and I am actually starting to like my body and I am almost to my goal of losing 20 pounds. I really don't see a problem with it. I don't look nasty, too skinny. I weight 154 pounds and I am 5'8'' so that is good for me. Just 4 more pounds and some toning and I will be set to go! I am however, going to go to counseling for my anxiety when I get back home so that I don't get to the point where I am so sick and skinny, but I don't see myself getting that bad. (famous last words, right?)
          But other than that, I had a pretty good day! I am counting the days to go home, about 20, and Makenna is getting huge too! She is walking with furniture and pulling herself up on it! Makes me wanna cry knowing that she is growing up so fast! I'll be on again soon. FYI: this blog really helps me get out some anger and frustrations I have and has really helped through this deployment!

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