Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Friday, July 15, 2011

Our Anniversary Day. PT 1

          After staying up until after 3 am, Brandon did NOT get online. I logged onto his facebook and he hasn't been on in days! This sucks! I see that other people that are deployed with him are able to use the internet, so I know nothing is wrong. Makenna, however, decided to get up at 8 am, sleep again till 9, and then fell asleep again until after 11 am. She has never done that before, so I think that her teeth are going to be coming in soon. All well, it gave me an opportunity to sleep a little bit more. Then my cell phone texts me and tells me I forgot to pay my bill, so my service was interrupted. So after trying to pay it over the phone, online and then over the phone again, and going through a verification process because my debit card goes to a bank that is in Germany, my phone is back on, and was only off for about an hour. I was going to be really angry, but it all worked out. I think because yesterday was one of those days, where it felt like everything was going wrong, so today, things are going to go right, hopefully, and it's mine and my husband's anniversary! I have decided that today is going to be a good day, nothing is going to change that, not even my daughter who wants to get into everything on purpose because she knows that she isn't suppose to. Right now she is in time-out in the pack and play, and I am blogging to de-stress (if that's a word), and move on to my amazing day that I plan on having! I have no expectations, which means, I have no let downs ahead for me! I will however, be disappointed if I can't talk to Brandon today, but that's the Army and that's our lifestyle, I guess. Well, that's what I tell myself to get me through the days!
          He still hasn't seen the pictures yet, so details will have to wait. Moving on. I slept pretty well last night, so I got up and and did my hair and make up. It's a festive day, so why not?

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